

Friday, March 18, 2016

Finish Faster with Pre-Summer Intensive General Education Courses

Want to graduate sooner?  Consider registering for a week-long intensive general education class.

U of U Campus
Cultural Aspects of Food – NUTR 3620-002
3 credit hours – fills the International (IR) Requirement

Sandy Campus
History of Hip-Hop – DANC 1013-070
3 credits – fills Diversity DV) and Fine Arts (FF) Requirements

Both classes will be held Monday-Friday, May 9-13 from 8 AM to 5 PM

These courses are very intensive and will be as rigorous as regular semester long courses.  Students must attend every class session and will be required to complete both pre- and post-work as well as online lectures, assignments, and exams.  Call 801-585-9963 or go to continue.utah.edu/flexu for more information.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Get Oriented!

One of the first questions new transfer students usually ask after they have been admitted to the U. is, “when do I get to register for classes?”  The answer is actually another question, “when is your orientation date?” 

All new transfer students must attend a New Student Orientation session before they can register for their first semester.  So, if you want to register nice and early, when courses selection is at its best then, you need to sign up for an early orientation date. 

Once you have been: 
  1. Admitted to the U, 
  2. Paid your enrollment deposit  
  3. Set up your computer accounts 
You can register for an orientation session.