

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

October U Explore Open Houses

The Major Exploration Center at the University of Utah would like to invite all exploring transfer students (currently attending and prospective) to attend their upcoming October Open Houses. 

U Explore Open Houses bring together U of U majors, minors, and extra-curricular activities related to particular career paths. They provide a great chance to meet with advisors, professors, current students, and alumni from a variety of exciting U of U programs; and we’ll feed you!

Pathways to Health Professions
October 19th

From Concept to Product
October 26th

11:30 to 1:00
West Ballroom in the Olpin Union Building
U of U Campus

Friday, September 11, 2015

Transfer, Travel, and Learn!

College is all about learning right?  Well so is travel! So consider combining the two by participating in a U of U Learning Abroad Program.  Transfer students can benefit just as much from a Learning Abroad program as any other student, so start making plans for an amazing international experience by attending the GLOBAL U EXPO!
October 7th
11 AM to 2 PM
Union Ballroom on the U of U Campus

  • ·         Explore over 500 Learning Abroad Programs
  • ·         Enter a drawing for a learning abroad scholarship
  • ·         Attend a Learning Abroad 101 session

Prospective  transfer students are welcome!